Friday, April 29, 2011

Sun...Sunshiney Daaaayyyy!!!!

I Love yellow.  It makes me think of summer which is just around the corner.  I love these summery, yellow images.
Click on Image For Source
See!  Isn't your day a little bit brighter already?!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

At Last! A Ray of Sunshine!

I'm getting my yard work done today people.  
 Image via
It's a must do as I have no clue when another sunny day is coming!
Happy Wednesday to you!

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Attempts at Easter....

Every year we have a fabulous Easter egg hunt at my parent's home.  Every family is in charge of bringing a basket full of a special treat for each person.  We then hide the baskets in addition to eggs and everyone gets a ton of stuff!  For example:  My sister-in-law brought a basket full of  Pringle cans.  My other sister brought containers of cookies for each person to have.  I had a great idea,  why doesn't everyone grab a cupcake from mine?!!! 
So these were my inspirations:
Image via  Ezra Pound Cake

Yes, I can do the nests.....
Image via Flickr
and I can totally make delicious cupcakes! 
So here was my attempt.  The nests I made by mixing melted milk chocolate chips and semi-sweet chocolate chips with Asian noodles.
After dolloping a good nest size on a greased baking sheet, I put on the eggs immediately.
  The cupcakes were super simple.  I used a yellow cake mix with added vanilla extract.
The butter cream was what made them so special.  It was fluffy, delicious, and oh-so-bad for me! I even made mini cupcakes for the kids or for individuals who just wanted a small bite.
Problem one arose when we had so many treats, desserts, and candy, that almost everyone took their cupcakes home.  Problem two was that I ate all the left over nests MYSELF!!!  Diet starts Monday?  
My second Easter attempt was bunny rolls.  
I saw these cute images:
I thought the second image was something I could totally do.  
These were my bunny rolls.  
Not exactly the same....
some definitely lost their ears in the baking process. 
 What can I say?  I attempted to be festive but, not everything worked out.
That's okay, I guess. 

At least my kids enjoyed their cupcakes and rolls without judgement!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Inspirations


I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend!
Images 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kitchen Love

Images via House Beautiful
I have Easter shopping to do today, so no real talking here. 
Gorgeous kitchen, though, isn't it?!

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Finished Bathroom!

Finally, I finished the bathroom since my daughter ripped the towel rack out of the wall!
  First I used a mesh patch and covered it in a joint compound. 
After it dried, I sanded it and reapplied to even out the meshy-er areas. 
After sanding it again and wiping off the dust it was time for paint! 
I can't even tell you what color it is.  I want to say that this beautiful grey-blue color is a Martha Stewart brand and I think it was called "Dolphin."  Don't quote me on that though. 
Here's a Before Shot
 I love this new rug!
 Before (Terrible lighting, I know)
With the lights on!
One more last shot.
Why is it that a simple project like patching a hole in the wall takes me two weeks to finish?