Sunday, July 18, 2010

A family reunion, a visiting mother-in-law, and a teething baby.....

Such is my life.  I'm sorry I've been an unfaithful poster recently.  We had a huge family reunion where I made peanut-butter bars.  So good and oh so fattening.
The frosting was supposed to be a drizzle.  Well, that simply would not do, so I doubled it.  Yep, I did, and it made it all the more better.  The whole wheat recipe looks promising here. Also my mother-in-law is in town from England and takes much of our valuable time.  (Not necessarily a bad thing, just time consuming.)  In addition to her being in town my sister arrived for the reunion and my 11 month old cut five teeth in a week! 
Poor boy had fevers and crying spells daily.  This is me at one of the daily family get-togethers with my husband's fam, trying to calm this feverish boy.  It's hard to please a sick child when you're not even at your own home. Yet, I would be displeasing many if he was used as an excuse. sigh. I'm hoping I'll do better this week in my posting.

Please forgive me and if anybody has better ideas than chewing cold carrots, teething tablets, and orajel for a teething baby, I'm ALL ears!

1 comment:

  1. i would wet a cloth and stick it in the freezer for a few. then just wrap it around your finger and let him chew away. good luck! and those peanut butter bars look so good! i'm going to try the recipe.
