Friday, August 20, 2010

Southern Style Subway Tiled Kitchen

Oh, how I love you.
Image via The Honey-Do Project
Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. there's something about white kitchens that are so fresh!
    enjoy the weekend!

  2. Oh, I am so with you, Lila! Have a great week.

  3. I love subway tile - I used to have it in a bathroom, and it was wonderful. It's definitely coming back into my life at some point!
    Thanks for visiting Sanity Fair, and it's nice to "meet" you! Your blog is lovely, and I'm really enjoying catching up on your posts.
    I'm glad you agree on HGTV - but I think there's hope! The Design Star finale tonight was great. Just posted a review of it. A style show will be fabulous!

  4. Subway tile will never go out of style. This kitchen is timeless.
