Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Stress Lights

I've been toying over the idea of getting new lighting in our dining room.  I can't say that I really LOVE any of the lighting in our whole house.  I'd love to add a little elegance to our home, but it sometimes seems like painting lips on a pig.

This one is definitely a statement piece...but would definitely be too large for our space

This is probably my favorite because it's so elegant and beautiful.  Maybe too fancy for our child-friendly home.

Too Rustic

Images via Lighting Universe

Keep in mind, that I have other options but, this one actually took hours of searching.  The quest continues......


  1. I love them all but the last is divine. Funny how we can spend hours online & it feels like minutes. Not always good for getting a lot accomplished in my household!!

    Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday Lila.lan

    x Deb

  2. ooh i love that second chandelier!
