It's my anniversary! The hubs and I wanted to do dinner and a movie, but babysitter can only spare time for dinner. (Thanks, Mom.) Thus far I received this yummy "Incredible" perfume from Victoria's Secret.
And this smellicious lotion to match!
It's embarrassing to admit this but, I have a huge collection of perfume. For whatever occasion, my husband buys me perfume because I love it so much. I'm literally that woman who walks by and people are thinking, "Wow, that's a strong scent." I can't help it. Hate me and my delicious smells if you must, but I love it!
Wishing I had this cute dress
and sexy shoes for tonight's date!
Images via Victoria's Secret
Happy Weekend Everyone!
What are you wearing for your hot date?
Hey... Happy anniversary. I hope you and your bubby had a blast.