Thursday, March 17, 2011

Irish Inspirations

I woke up and totally forgot it was St. Patty's Day.  My daughter was so upset that I forgot to dress her in green and told me so on the way to the gym.  She then asked me if tomorrow was "Spongebob Squarepants Day."  It then occurred to me that she was thinking of Spongebob's friend, Patrick!  Wow, do I have some teaching to do! It's a shame that I have Welsh in my blood! To redeem myself over forgetting such an important holiday, I have found some things Irish!
Celtic Cross
 Lovely, I could hang it on my wall.
Irish Soda Bread
 Delicious, as is anything with white flour.
Lucky Charms Cereal
 Okay, not really Irish but, it has a Leprechaun.
An actual Luck Charm
I've actually always had a thing for wishbones, and this one is beeeautiful!
In this case twice baked, and they are awesome.
 Great movie and totally Irish!
Colin Ferrell
 Irish, yes...however, he's kind of gross for me.
Liam Neeson
 Great actor and you guessed it, Irish.
Jonathon Rhys-Meyers

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

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