Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm addicted to this show....

I know you are too, so don't try and lie to me about it.  Don't roll your eyes and think, "Oh, you too?"  I did NOT jump on a band wagon.  This is ridiculously cool to watch.  Nicole Curtis is amazing.  She can build, she sands, she designs, she demolishes, but in the end....she has some pretty jaw-droppingly gorgeous results!  I cannot say, "no" to watching this show if it's on.  It's like my list of to-dos go out the window and I'm concentrating so hard!  
Check out this Minnehaha house if you don't believe me.
Kitchen Before
Kitchen After
She made the vanity in this bathroom....well rehabbed it, if you will.
Who wouldn't want this bedroom?
Click on image for source

Inspiring, no?  

Coincidentally, if you google "Rehab Addict Pictures" just be prepared to see Lyndsay Lohan's face plastered all over your screen :)  I'm just saying!


  1. I havne't caught the show yet, but will keep an eye out for it. Wow - serious make overs!!!! Love it all!

  2. Ha! on the Lyndsey Lohan...

    So what channel would one find this show on....IF one were to think about watching it. cough.

  3. Hahahahha you're hilarious hunny! Lilo def. doesn't need any more press...thought you were critiquing Celebrity Rehab there for a second ;D

    But I gotta say I've never heard of this show before (I'm actually quite ashamed to admit)...gonna google it now to find showtimes :D

    Thanks for the hookup, I'll letcha know how it goes!


    Haute Khuuture Blog

  4. rut-ro.... I've never heard of this show, but think I'm addicted just by your description! will have to find it and dvr...... funny and sad about poor Lindsay:(

    happy weekend!

  5. I've never seen that show, Lila, but it looks good. Have a great weekend. xx
