Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stylish Blogger and Random Resolutions

Thanks so much to Julia from Belle Vivir who gave me a Stylish Blogger award. I'm oh-so-flattered!
Rules to this award include: 1) posting a link back to the person who awarded you 2) sharing 7 exciting facts about yourself and 3) choosing 10 more fabulous bloggers who you think are Stylin!  4) informing those bloggers that you have chosen them to have the Stylish Blog Award.  Since I already shared my 7 exciting facts about myself, here, I won't bore you with them again!  But, before I name the other Stylish Bloggers I love, I have to get my random New Year's resolutions off of my chest.  Beware, these are totally random and their priority is not necessarily in the correct order.

    Get organized
    Just one dessert, don’t have four.
     create a new skill such as sewing! 
    Hmm...I've got to break in that new sewing machine sometime!
    Clean pantry
    Purchase extra storage 
    (specifically for my daughter's hair accessories.)
    Have a house project 
    like building lockers for the mudroom.  This means extra time with the hubs.
    Donate clothes 
    that I do not wear.  In other words, learn to LET GO!
    Spend more time with my kids
     ....with patience
     Lighten up.

    Let's hope that I can at least succeed in more than half of these resolutions.  Check out these other Stylish bloggers:

    Happy Weekend!

    Click on images for source


    1. Love the photo of you and the kids, Lila. All are great resolutions. xx

    2. Hi Lila! What a great blog you have!

      Thanks so much for the award...but I don't accept awards -

      Looks like I have some looking around here!!!!
      Anne Marie

    3. Thanks so much Lila! It's so nice to find your to have a look around.

    4. Great resolutions, now if I could just make them let alone stick to them. The photo of you & your kiddo's is wonderful.

      xx deb

    5. Thanks so much, you are too sweet. Love your blog, it made me very hungry, loads of wonderful images. Have a great day, Heidi

    6. awe HOW fabulous are you! - THANK U SO MUCHHHH!!!!!!

    7. HI Lila,
      Thank you so much for the Stylish Blogger Award - you're a doll. And, I love your blog. Anyone who has "Pretty" in their blog name is a kindred spirit!

      I'm also your newest follower. Thank you again for this kind mention....have a wonderful long weekend!

      xo Elizabeth
