Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Option 2 For the Guest Room....

I mentioned earlier that I had two ideas for my guest room.  As promised here's the second option. I love this option...I really do.  I do realize that it's way traditional, and a little blah on color.  I've really been debating about sharing this with you but, I realize nobody is perfect and you'd probably rather see it less than perfect than not at all! So.... this is what I have thus far:

 Keep in mind that the room is painted a deep gold almost mustard color.  I'll also have this green dresser that I painted to add a little color to the room.
I'm thinking I need to add a little blue somehow.  I just love that pop of "something" that blue adds.  Hmmm....Back to the drawing board.

1 comment:

  1. I like your choices and remember everything is in the detail. Colorful accessories can always be added later on.

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