Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Flower and Urn Project

So....remember when I painted and glazed this ugly colored urn? 
Yes, that's much better.
Well, I've just been holding it in the garage because I can never seem to find the right thing to put in it.  I thought, "I'll just make my own flower arrangement."  And that's what I did.  
I bought all the faux hydrangeas and carnations they had at Everything's a $1 and Wal Mart. 
 I bought a styrofoam half round and a big styrofoam square. 
 I glued them against the inside of the urn.  After cutting the stems of the flowers with wire cutters, I tightly pushed as many flowers in the foam as I could.  
 It could use a couple more flowers.  
 But, for a $10 project, not too shabby!


  1. Great project, Lila! You can make resin and plastic look like iron and bronze with the right paint.

  2. great blog! had fun looking around! i really related to your post on "sorry mom it was an accident" oh do i ever! thanks for sharing!

  3. Nicely done, Lila! Hope that you have a terrific week! xx
