Monday, May 9, 2011

Sorry So Long!

I know, I haven't posted in a week!  My husband owns his own business and has been working from home due to humongous gas prices.  Unfortunately, he uses my computer, his laptops, and my desk.  So I'm SOL when it comes to actually getting any posting time when he's home.  This is my moment to steal the desk while he's actually eating some dinner!  Muahahaha.  I have spent some time shopping lately and wow, do I love springy, summery colors.  Thanks to the fashion police, I'm well informed on the latest and greatest : )

Kate Hudson
I love pale yellow.  She totally rocks this whether she was prego or not.

Katy Perry
It's Katy Perry, what else can I say?  Only her....

Emma Stone
Maybe on a really tan person, I would love this dress.  Otherwise, she's a complete wash-out, no?

Kerry Washington
I think Kerry is beautiful.  This dress I'm somewhat indifferent about. 

Beyonce Knowles it Christmas?   I hate it and that's that.

Jessica Simpson
I really liked this dress.  It's a cool pattern and she looks lovely.  

Reese Witherspoon
I love the color of this dress.  It's a pleasing color for any skin type and she looks awesome!

Rachel Bilson
Very cute and petite.  I wish it was a brighter color but, it is a feminine dress.

I love to critique Others' fashions, don't you? 
Actually, I'm just obsessed with clothes but, that's for a therapist to fix...or not.


  1. The royal blues are gorgeous but I am not loving Jessica Simpsons dress, it kind of makes her look a little big.

  2. i do - but ive been out of the loop for so long :o(
